Friday, February 11, 2011

Deep in the Night I'm Lost in Love

It became clear to me on my last birthday, when a friend suggested that I crank some Stooges on vinyl, that I don't have any vinyl Stooges. This unpleasant realization yielded another: I don't have any live Stooges either. So I've set my heart on picking up a vinyl copy of Metallic KO, because it seems so necessary.

But vinyl Metallic KO is like to be expensive. So I thought this might do. But Amazon only sells it in the pricey limited edition form. So I thought Thousand Lights might be interesting. But how many different versions of "1970" do I want to listen to?

The mass of unreleased/unofficial stuff intimidates me. Insight? Because at this point I'm prepared to just go home and listen to Raw Power for the 800th time.


The Horror! Addiction! said...


It depends which era of the Stooges you're into most. If you're like me, you love Raw Power best of all, then Metallic KO is an ESSENTIAL purchase. While the performances are good enough to make you shake your thing, it's true value is as a historical document of a very bad night with Iggy at his most pleasingly obnoxious and audience baiting. The two disc CD version is the one to get, to be honest.

As for Funhouse era live discs, that CD you posted is the one to get, though beware the soundquality which is listenable but not going to blow your mind.

I do hope you have both mixes of Raw Power because, while I generally prefer the Iggy remix, the Bowie one does have a lot to offer. I particularly love the way the Gimme Danger guitar solo sounds on that one, while it's almost unnoticeable in the Iggy mix.

OOH and there's a lot of bootlegs and semi-legitimate releases out there collection rare, Raw Power cuts. I recommend "Penetration", which features some of the best non-album songs, alternate mixes of Raw Power and songs Iggy and James Williamson wrote in the Stooges that ended up on he Kill City record. I think the recordings may be from those same sessions, but differ greatly - there's no saxophone on these ones (thank god).

Andrew said...

Thanks a lot. I'm a big fan of all the Stooges albums.

I assume you meant that Live and Ungano's is the one to get?

How hard to find is the Bowie mix of Raw Power? I only have the Iggy mix.

Is Kill City worth owning? I've been on the fence about it.