Friday, January 07, 2011


24. Ilad -- The Spoon

I do 90% of my CD-listening in the car. Radio is lame, and I buy music for a reason. So I'm that guy: constantly switching out the CD's in my car so I can listen to new stuff. If a CD stays in my car longer than a couple of weeks, I'm very busy.

And that's a strike against Ilad, because this CD doesn't play in my car very well. It's one of a handful that I call "skippers". If I drive over a pothole, it skips. If I drive over a manhole cover, it skips. If I drive over a rise in the earth higher than four inches, it skips. So the most consistent sound I get from The Spoon is stereo whirr.

Sure, I could listen to it on my stereo at home. But that's where I listen to vinyl. Besides, my stereo has taken to turning itself on in the morning and blaring Ilad from the basement, so I feel as though I've gotten a good exposure to it.

What it sounds like is a pleasant, tepid soup of jazzy non-jazz. I don't know if jazz musicians enjoy themselves far more than anyone listening to them, because I like jazz, but I do kinda get that feeling from this record. Like there's some kind of deeper sophistication that the band itself is totally digging, but which is utterly lost to me. I hear guitars, and drums, and bass, and rythmic switches that more or less fail to arouse anything in me. I'm not getting it, and I don't care.

Grade: C

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