Friday, October 15, 2010

Bad Band Names: a Drive-By Commentary

I'm putting myself on a new music diet until I finish at least one of my Rating My CD's categories, so Magnet's Which Album Are You Most Looking Forward To This Week? feature is utterly meaningless to me. However, I'd rather not consign myself to irrelevance, so I'm going to introduce a concept I've been meaning to discuss by making fun of the names of the bands in the poll.

Full Disclosure -- Aside from the first two, I haven't heard a note from any of these:
  • Kings of Leon -- Is there a town in Tennessee called Leon, or are they talking about the medieval Spanish kingdom? Tedium or Bizarritude? The Lamo or the Tiger?
  • Liz Phair -- Close enough to Lillith Fair that people say one and mean the other, but not close enough so that you can make a pithy Abbot & Costello - style sketch out of it, like you can with The Who or The Band.
  • The Extra Lens -- The band that allows you to see! Other bands might permit vision, but TEL expands it. Which is exactly what we want from musical groups.
  • Ima Robot -- Do you hear me laughing? Listen carefully. That sound, just in the corner of your mind? That should be me laughing. You don't hear it? You're sure? Weird.
  • A Sunny Day in Glasgow -- Has there ever been a non-emo band with "Sunny" in its name? And if that wasn't enough to ensure I stay away, they throw in the place name. Place Name Bands Suck.
  • Zach Hill -- If that IS his real name...
  • Girl in a Coma -- I'm going to pass up the obvious quip about the name describing their sole fan, and simply try to calculate the odds that they play weddings and bat mitzvahs.
  • Filthybird -- I'll bet these guys are badasses! With cowboy hats and tatooz! And if they're actually nerds in buddy-holly specs, that totally won't suck more.
  • Danbert Nobacon -- Feem likamooc orvin macmickle. Swut wilkins.
  • Steven Page -- "Hello. My name is Steven Page. My Album is called Page One. On it, I play numerous musical arrangements, which I have written. The title is, as I'm sure you have noticed, a play on words using my surname, as a song cyle does not have pages, per se. My real ambition is to produce."
  • The Phantom Band -- When they break up, they'll have a spinoff band, called Attack of the Band, which will be succeeded by Revenge of the Band. And fans will keep coming back for some reason, hearing that this iteration won't suck, and will even try to suppress that nagging feeling of disappointment. And somehow, George Lucas will make a million dollars out of the whole enterprise.
  • Brent Anamaker and the Rodeo --  Indie band or childrens' book? You decide.
  • The Sleep-Ins -- One more 'n' would get them sued by Clarion Hotels. Well-played, clerks.
  • Eskimo -- When I first read this, I thought they were called "Eskimo Eskimo." Now I see that their first album is simply eponymous. I'm not sure which is worse.
  • Wow & Flutter  -- Words Fail.

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